Student Council

Head Boy and Head Girl

At the start of a new academic year, one boy and one girl from Year 6 are elected by their peers in KS2 to be Head Boy and Head Girl. A Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl are also elected.  

Head Boy Head Girl Deputy Head Boy Deputy Head Girl


Children in Year 2 elect a Head Boy and Head Girl for KS1 from within their year group.

School Council

Mrs Ivil meets each Friday with the School Council where they discuss and vote on new ideas, suggestions and current issues in school, including topics such as traffic congestion and pollution.  The School Council is made up of the Head Boy and Head Girl, as well as one representative (and a Deputy) from each class in KS2.

This year's School Council are:

Ruby, Lucas, Freya, Lucy, Freya, Gabriel, Forehanmi, Luca, Layla, Charlie, Toye, Sophia and Ethan.  

House System

Upon entry to Old Bexley, each child is assigned to a different House, named after famous authors.









By belonging to a House, each child feels part of the school community and is encouraged to participate in events throughout the year and win points for their House.  Points can be awarded to children to recognise their achievements, for helping fellow pupils or for extra-curricular activities.