
What is the expectation?

Please see the Homework Policy at the bottom of this page.

Homework is set weekly in each year group. The tasks given will be appropriate to the age of the child. The homework will become more demanding as the children move up the school.

We do expect children to take pride in their work and would want children to try their best.

Progressive reading, spellings and times tables underpin your child's ability to increase their outcomes and therefore is of great importance that this is completed at home. 

How can I help my child with their homework?

Each child will access the homework in their own way and preferred learning style.

It is important for you to encourage your child to do the best they can with each piece of homework and it may help to remind them that they work independently in class to enrich their thinking skills and they could try to do the same at home.

1) Read through the task/learning - your child should think, what already makes sense and what do I need clarification of?

2) Encourage independence at each stage, your child might surprise you with what they can do.

3) Encourage the use of a dictionary to look up spellings and meanings as well as paper & pencil methods to check their working out.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is used in school to support the children's learning.  If you cannot remember your child's log in details, please contact the school office.  A parent guide to Google Classroom can be found below.