Our Community

Local Community Links

  • Pets as Therapy

The School works with the charity Pets as Therapy and receives twice weekly visits from Suzi, a 3-year old black Labrador/Retriever. 

Suzi is a very calm and relaxed dog who loves meeting people.  She works in school with some of our pupils, helping to increase their confidence when reading.

  • Parent Reading Volunteer Scheme

Members of the School Community are invited to apply to the school to become a Parent Reading Volunteer.  Working with a small group of children, the volunteers come in on a weekly basis to help children with extra reading practice.  

  • Parent Forum

The Old Bexley Parent Forum is an opportunity for parents to discuss and raise educational issues of mutual interest and promote new ideas in their year group. Together, we aim to take Old Bexley forward in being a school that communicates well with parents in a way that benefits pupils' learning and enjoyment.    

  • Local MP

The school has always had a good working relationship with the MP for Old Bexley and Sidcup.  The current MP, Louie French, visits the school from time to time and meets with the School Council.  Pupils will occasionally write to him to seek his help and reassurance when they are concerned by world events.


Letter from Louie French MP

Letter from 10 Downing Street

  • Wellbeing

The school works with local companies to provide wellbeing support in school for pupils.  Examples of companies we work with are Play Therapist, Pets as Therapy, BFree Sports Empowerment programme and the Bexley Team Ministry.  If you have any wellbeing ideas you would like to put forward to be considered at school, please do get in touch with us by email: admin@oldbexley.bexley.sch.uk.

Bexley Council have set up Connected Bexley which gives links to local groups, activities and useful information to support families with children and young people under the age of 25.   

  • Bexley Foodbank

Each year the school supports Bexley Foodbank by providing food donations to our local Foodbank.

  • Care Home Community Project

During the Covid pandemic, the children of Old Bexley wanted to spread some joy to those who may have been feeling the effects of reduced contact, particularly those in care homes.  During lockdown, the children drew pictures and quotes to inspire others to be happy and stay strong.



Many schools became involved with this community project and before long over 250 schools and care homes were paired together.  The leader of the project, a local sixth former, collated the best pictures from across the schools, alongside quotes from the care home residents, to create a special book.  



Pupils at Old Bexley are continuing their relationship with the care home and send Christmas and Easter cards to the residents.