Guided Reading

Reading Superheroes

It’s easy to assume that your child does not need to read aloud at home. Even if your child is following a reading scheme or has already mastered the technical side of reading, comprehension plays a formal and integral role in the English curriculum. It is therefore vitally important to continue sharing their reading with them, in order to practice and consolidate key skills.

To help support our pupils in reading and skill acquisition, one of our pupils has created the Old Bexley Primary Reading Superheroes. The Superheroes are displayed below and referred to in class and throughout the school.



  • Vinnie Vocabulary – new word comprehension and acquisition
  • Izzy Inference – making links or deducing something from a text
  • Priya Prediction –guessing what will happen next
  • Robin Retrieval – the ability to pick apart a text and find information
  • Susie Summarise –stating the main points of a story

Comprehension Skills

The best ways to help develop your child’s reading comprehension skills are to:

  • Engage in ‘book-talk’ with your child
  • Encourage your child to read a wide variety of different texts and genres; is an excellent place to start
  • Use and refer to Old Bexley’s Reading Superheroes

Good readers make great writers. Access to a plethora of texts at school and at home will enable your child to flourish. Your child will enjoy reading even more, be able to pick up on the nuances within a text and attack comprehensions effectively.

KS1 Reading Scheme

At Old Bexley CE Primary School, our main reading scheme is the Big Cat Collins Reading Scheme.

The 'Big Cat Collins' reading books from Phase 2 through to Phase 5, match the progression of 'Little Wandle: Letters and Sounds Revised' and enable every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to read confidently and fluently at home. Once automatic and fluent reading has been established, the children continue through the 'BIG Cat Collins' reading scheme until they are 'Free Readers'. 

Questions to support your child's reading


  • Why did you choose this book?
  • What type of story – or genre – is this?
  • What has happened so far?
  • Who is your favourite character and why?
  • What do you think will happen next?
  • Tell me some of your favourite parts – and why.
  • Have you learned anything from reading this book that you didn’t know before?



  • Can you summarise or explain what has happened in the paragraphs we have read?
  • How do you think this character is feeling at this point? What makes you think that?
  • Would you feel or react in the same way as this character?
  • When the author says…what do they mean?
  • When the character says…what do they mean?
  • What do you picture in your head when you read this?
  • How does this section make you feel?
  • Can you think of another word for…?
  • Are there any words here that you don’t understand? Are there any clues that could help you to work out the meaning?


After the book is finished:

  • What were the main themes?
  • Can you relate to any of the characters?
  • Did any of the characters evolve and develop as the book went on?
  • Did the author do a good job in making the characters real? Did you empathize with them?
  • How would you describe the author’s style of writing?
  • How similar or different was the book from the world today?
  • What kind of person would you recommend this title to?
  • Were there any changes that you’d make to this book?
  • Would you read this book again?
  • If you were to write a sequel, what would happen to the main characters?
  • Would you like to learn more about the subject you read about?